About us

We will be adding extra features over time, so come back regularly.

SI87 designs, manufactures, and markets hardware solutions for the computer industry. Our emphasis is to provide the missing link between the many video standards found in the marketplace today.

Since our establishment in 1987, SI87 has responded to the needs of the marketplace by creating innovative solutions to your computer graphics needs. Our products have changed significantly through the years, but our goals have always been the same:

1. Listen to the needs of our customers.
2. Become experts at everything we do.
3. Provide free advice to anyone who contacts us.
4. Sell the best solution and the best products.

SI87 offers true competitive advantages in the marketplace, preferring to offer customers a range of solutions and letting them decide what solution best meets their needs. If you don't find what you are looking for, we can also manufacture custom cabling for you.

255 Comfort Lane
Bozeman, MT 59718

To Order Toll Free: (800) 547-2349
Tech Support: (406) 586-8866
FAX: (406) 585-0028
email: sales@si87.com


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